Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pretty girl

Puppies are officially 1 week old . Yesssss !
They are growing so fast. Their round belly is so funny ! They look like little bears with gray fur !

Everybody is ok except 1 small girl. She is really smaller ( half size ) . I call her "Pretty Girl" or my little shrimp (ma petite crevette in French) . Pretty girl is very fragile . We don't know if she's gonna make it . The rest of the gang is very strong and she has problem to find her way to the treat.
I worry about Pretty girl. The others push her on the side and she can't drink enough milk. She is so tiny ! Every day , several times per day, I take her and put her alone with her mother so she can have some milk. At first she had problem to find the treat by herself . Now she catches it of . It is already better than yesterday but we take one day at the time with her. She moves slowly and she sleeps a lot. I hope that this special treatment will help her to get some strength.

Here are some pictures of Pretty girl. Be brave Pretty girl . You are so cute.

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